Standard Banner Ad Sizes
Choosing the web banner ad size design not only impacts a web design layout, but it also effects the time in resizing banners to fit with the design of the site. The display of banners on computers using banner ad blocking software sometimes comes with pop-up blockers. We do NOT use pop-up ads on any of our websites. Advantages of standard banner ad sizes are:
They fit with other banners on various sites with standard banner ad sizes. This allows for easier reading and navigating thru a web site for visitors.
Very little computer graphic design work is needed to resize standard banners.
Standard Horizontal Banner Ad Sizes in pixels units of measure:

Standard Tower Ad Size and Standard Button Ad Sizes

We look forward to seeing your linked advertising banner or skyscraper/tower ad on one of our
popular sites. Banner ad design and banner ad placement fees will vary if customization is
needed. Additional fees depend on how much work is involved. Flash and other animated
banners with audio effects are available